Facebook: The Most Overlooked Lead Generation Platform

Jan 30, 2023 | B2B LEAD GEN

Do you know you can get leads through engagement without spending much? That as well on Facebook? Crazy, right?

No! Contrary to popular belief, Facebook is not just a B2C platform. B2B marketers can use it to target virtually any type of consumer persona.

The fact that LinkedIn and Google have established themselves as the leaders in B2B lead generation is one of the reasons Facebook is frequently ignored by B2B marketers. However, Facebook is the most widely used social network on the planet, and business decision-makers spend 74% more time there each day than other users. 


Image credits: Pixabay

Is Facebook Worth It?

 Let’s see what the stats have to say: 

  • With an average of 2.93 billion users logging in each month, Facebook is a powerful tool for marketing your goods and services. 
  • According to a 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, Facebook is used by 91% of B2B marketers, and 67% of them think it’s the most crucial social media channel for generating leads. 
  • 53% of social network users use Facebook daily, and 97% visit it each month, according to eMarketer. Additionally, 63% of businesses that now use Facebook advertising intend to increase their investment this year.

One of the finest ways to get leads and nurture them into clients is by utilizing Facebook. By addressing their constraints, businesses can generate leads from other businesses. 

Utilizing Facebook for lead generation is an effective way to increase sales and build relationships with potential customers. By creating engaging content, optimizing your posts for SEO, and targeting relevant audiences, you can grow your customer base and increase brand awareness. 

Additionally, Facebook can be used to gather specific demographic data on potential customers, allowing you to tailor your ads and offers to their specific interests. With the right approach, businesses can use Facebook to quickly and efficiently generate leads that convert into sales.

Getting Started

Every business must begin somewhere with social media marketing, and using Facebook for Lead Generation is an excellent place to do so. Make a business page first. Include a brief description of who you are and what you do, as well as your logo, so people can recognize you. No need to go into much detail; just keep it short and to the point. 

Create an appealing and interesting page that visitors will want to visit. Include information about the background of your business, its goal statement, its products or services, and client testimonials. 

Next, optimize your Facebook page. This will help you obtain more Facebook fans and page likes. On your Facebook fan page, make sure to include all the pertinent details about you or your business, such as your name, address, a description of the goods or services you offer, and your contact information (including your phone number(s) and email address). Include a link to your website or blog in the “about” section so that individuals who wish to learn more about you or look at some sample projects, for example, may simply find it. 

Get Likes on Your Facebook Page

Rewarding likes on Facebook pages is one of the most effective ways to draw more people to your page. With the help of reward likes, you can incentivize people to like your page and engage more with your content. It is an effective way to build more followers and boost your social media presence.

facebook page likes

Image credits: Pixabay

When you offer rewards for likes on your Facebook page, it creates excitement among your followers, and they become more engaged. This, in turn, encourages them to share your content with their friends and followers, helping you reach a wider audience. It also sends a signal to other potential followers that your page is popular and worth following.

Post Regularly

When you post regularly on social media, your customers “see” more of your brand. Make use of your Facebook fan page on a daily or regular basis by uploading videos, photos, updates, links to relevant articles or blogs, and so on. 

Include gifts and contests on Facebook for Facebook contest participants. To keep that regular content coming, it’s a good idea to create a content calendar to stay organized.

Connect With Other Company Owners and Founders

Facebook groups have been very popular in recent years. More than 1 billion people use Facebook Groups each month, according to the social media giant, to talk about their interests, organize neighborhood events, and communicate with pals. 

If you use Facebook, the chances are good that you’ve received an invitation to join a group at some point. For B2B marketers, Facebook groups are excellent locations to acquire leads and cultivate professional connections. Professionals can be found discussing topics that interest them, planning events, helping others in their businesses, and much more inside these groups.

You need to create a network of other business owners and entrepreneurs if you want to succeed in business. This is the key to success. You may network with other business owners on Facebook, join entrepreneur groups, go to seminars, host events, and more.


Image credits: Pixabay

You can also write comments on posts that require attention and participation from other group members since they are looking for answers online regarding specific issues and problems.

If you have a tip or trick you believe the audience may benefit from, share it! It is critical to ALWAYS provide value before asking for anything in return. Only after providing some value for free should you share a gated resource. You can then link to a related blog or post to direct them toward your page.

Being in a Facebook group with members from your target market has the advantage that many other group members will see your comments in addition to the people you answer directly.

Facebook Ads

Facebook advertising is a simple and efficient way to reach new people and convert them into customers. It allows you to show your advertisements to a specific group of people for a set period of time.

You’re on a terrific platform, but you’ll need to pay to run your advertisements and enhance your posts. Among all paid advertising channels, social marketers have discovered that Facebook offers the highest return on investment (ROI).

The Ads Manager tool will walk you through the process if you are new to creating ads or are still unsure of how to use Facebook for business. 

Although the Ads Manager interface may appear intimidating at first, keep in mind that you don’t need to be an expert in Facebook marketing straight away. You can start with the fundamentals of advertising and pick up more advanced techniques as you go.

It’s crucial that you learn how to make the most of its many ad styles and capabilities to produce engaging commercials. Making sure every dollar counts also involves budgeting for your advertising expenses and testing your ads.

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Image credits: unsplash

Your ads should make it apparent that you’re aiming to reach B2B businesses rather than the average Facebook user.

Paid advertisements, in contrast to organic traffic, provide you with the choice of choosing your target gender and age group.

For the finest Facebook results, you must focus on your audience. You won’t be successful in generating business leads on Facebook if your targeting is incorrect. Knowing your target audience can help you craft the ideal message and provide them with what they desire.

Organically Promote Your Lead Generation Content

The simplest method for producing B2B leads on Facebook is this one, but it might also be the least used: Use your B2B lead generation resources to update your page with statuses.

People who like or follow your page have previously expressed an interest in your company; otherwise, they wouldn’t have done so. These people are most likely the kinds who would be interested in downloading the materials you’ve made or attending the webinars you’re hosting. Sharing content on your page has the potential to create leads naturally—and it doesn’t have to cost you anything. 

 Not that Facebook marketing is a waste of time, mind you. Sharing promotional content on social media is still very successful, but you have to be innovative. Here’s how you can do it: 

Use Facebook Videos to Get Users Excited About Your Offers

Video has surpassed pictures and text to become the most important content type on Facebook.

This gives marketers a wealth of new opportunities. We are drawn in more deeply and forcefully by video content. Because of this, people always talk about and pay more attention to movies than they do to the same story in a book. Movies are quite popular. Video is quite popular. Only a small percentage of people like reading, and still, images can’t fully tell a story the way a video can.


Image credits: Unsplash

You can use standard videos to serve as sales tools or educational resources that encourage viewers to take action. You can also use the following: 

  • Facebook Watch: Facebook Watch is ideal for providing video information in a series format. For instance, your B2B business may arrange a regular series of interviews with subject matter experts and post the results to Watch. 
  • Facebook Live: B2B brands may engage an existing audience and establish one-on-one connections at scale by using live video. Facebook Live might be used for webinars or even real-time product demonstrations. The best strategy to get leads with video is to conclude with a call to action. Invite your audience to contact you to arrange a demo of your product or direct them to a URL where they may get anything in exchange for their contact info.
  • Facebook stories: Facebook Stories are collections of images or videos that are only accessible to your followers for a single day. They appear at the top of the News Feed in both the web version and the mobile app.

They serve primarily as a platform for sharing amusing and real-life experiences throughout the day, but they may also be an important part of your company’s Facebook marketing plan. Since stories are prominently featured at the top of every timeline, they frequently attract a lot of attention. Due to their fleeting nature, they enable your followers to respond urgently, making your company more relatable and accessible to users.

Content is King

The information you upload should be pertinent to your target audience and compelling enough to entice them to sign up for it.  Not only should you post on Facebook, but you should also make an effort to make sure your content is interesting and engaging. Track events with Google Trends, then write about hot topics using newsjacking. 

Timing and planning are key components of content writing in B2B lead generation. When prospects are most responsive to a message, this is the optimum time to contact them. This can be accomplished by segmenting your leads so that you can target them with the proper message at the ideal stage of their decision-making process.


Any marketing approach must include Facebook B2B lead generation. Facebook is a successful way to reach out to potential clients, despite the drop in reach and rise in ad expenditures (business owners).

Whatever the goal of your B2B business is, Facebook will, at the very least, help you locate qualified prospects. Although it’s difficult, we’re attempting to convey the point that it is possible—yes, even for B2B—to generate leads through Facebook. Stick to one lead generation strategy if you want to be successful. So choose one. Accept it, then begin creating leads.

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